Guess Who's Back?!
Temporarily, that is.
Hello Macbethians! My name is Justine. Some of you may remember me from a couple years ago; I was Jim's pre-Hillery assistant until my restless soul brought me all the way across the country to San Francisco. I figured I should re-introduce myself here (and say hello to some new faces) since I will be covering for Hillery while she is on her honeymoon. If you happen to come through our studio or need to contact us over the next few weeks, I'll be your gal!
Since saying an emotional farewell to Macbeth and the city of Orlando two years ago, I have been pretty busy to say the least. Even though California was a greater experience than I could have imagined, my wanderlust is still stronger than my love for the west coast. I spent last year chasing music festival season from Washington to Tennessee, hiking the ancient Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in Peru, and just recently got back from spending two months traveling from South Africa to Zimbabwe (you can catch some of the Africa action yourself in the video below!). I once again put all my belongings into a backpack, began travel blog Words from the Wild with my favorite adventure partner/love of my life, and have been spending lots of time both in front of and behind cameras... although most of them are GoPro's!
And now I get to temporarily resume my "old life" here in Orlando before heading off to the next big adventure! Although, working for Macbeth is an adventure in and of itself. Even with the distance, Hillery, Morgan, and Jim have remained great creative influences in work and even greater friends in life, and I am so excited to be part of the team again - even if it's only for a few weeks. I've only been back one day so far, and I can already see Macbeth has grown so much since I left in 2014. That being said, I cannot wait to work with all of your familiar friendly faces, and meet some new ones!
From left: Morgan, Hillery, me, and Sarah Peerani celebrating Jim's AAF Silver Medal Award back in April 2014. This was also one of my last days in Orlando before moving!